My Profile
Profile:Name: Miki
Birthdate: 19/9/87
Horoscope: Virgo
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Malaysia
Currently at: Singapore
JPOP, Hello! Project, Desserts, Singing, Hamster, Jdorama, Movies
People who loves being popular, people who cares only about themselves, people who wears a mask, i mean..everyone
Websites: COLORS, deviantArt, Friendster1staccount, Friendster2ndaccount, Soundclick
September 2004October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
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June 2005
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October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
But I'll leave this place alone just in case...
meeekeee communicated @ 9:31 pm | 3 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Even when I'm with friends, I have nothing to talk. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO TALK. Nobody would want to listen to me. I'm the kind who everyone forgets once we graduate. Just like in secondary school, which is even worst. People come to me and told me they hate me. My "best" friends say I'm different from them. Why must everyone follow the crowd? Even if I want to say something, I feel stupid. So I rather keep quiet and watch people. Do you people understand? Not at all! And then I told wendy she said I've got great observation skills (WTF)! Why are people always taking things about me lightly? Because I always say I don't mind and It's okay? NO! I actually mind and I actually care! I just don't wanna say them out cause I know it would bother you guys! Nobody would know how I feel so get away from me!!!!!!!
meeekeee communicated @ 9:18 am | 0 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Monday, December 19, 2005
merry christmas :D
meeekeee communicated @ 1:12 pm | 0 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
"Thanks dad!! Now I can call Miki up while I'm at that new school!"
"Heh..I bet Miki would come visit me later"
"Hey Miki, how's your day..."
"My roommate eats like a tiger and..."
"...and I feel..kinda..disgusted..."
"So I would rather try walking back on my own"
"And that night you told me that Maki's new album was great.."
"But well, you apologized and asked me out so it's okay! (^_^)"
"And I must use my smile (& magnetic force) to 'attract' you back"
"But you brb and came back with a HMV plastic bag.."
"I couldn't sleep that night cause you're playing Maki's dvd outside"
"I'm so sad I wanna torture my dog again"
"Nevermind...I have my own wicked plan..."
"AWWWW!!! you said I'm cute once again!"
meeekeee communicated @ 10:01 pm | 0 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The show started off with the dustbin at the event venue. Akiba-san seemed in be inside the dustbin, he crawls out and joins the crowd. He squeezes himself through to the front row and asked the guy next to him if he wanna eat banana. That guy said no. So he peeled off the skin and its a hotdog inside O.O
All right of these nonsense.. my dear Erica steps onto the stage...
Q: What kinda performance will you do?
Akiba writes on sketchbook: Cross-Eye
Erica kinda laughed...
Then he showed a paper with the drawing of a person lying down, kicking a ball ^^||
Q: What is needed to attract people?
Akiba writes on sketchbook: MAGNETIC FORCE
Erica LOLed
Akiba writes on sketchbook: Other works $$
Erica >< and covered her mouth
Akiba used his pen and hit his sketchbook.
Erica ignored him
Q: What other talents do you think you have?
Akiba showed his drawing block: SHOPLIFTING
Erica LOLed.
Akiba shows a "dead finger sign". He turns his fingers around..he's actually imitating an elephant.
Erica LOLed
Akiba wrote a big "COW" word on his drawing block.
Erica tried to hold back her laughter.
Akiba wrote "back of head" with a drool sign
Erica's kinda scared.
Akiba showed a piece of paper of a person running to a door. It opened up with many people running towards the door. (ESCAPE!)
Erica tried holding back her LOL again.
Akiba showed "Ji-Ji-I" Erica reads it and went kinda HUH? The word formed an old man figure after few frames. (Like animation.)
Distracted, Erica gave a HUH? to the host's question and said "Sorry!" (Awww so cute)
Akiba showed his palm with a picture of an eye drew inside. A pingpong ball came out from his mouth (with eye draw on it an eyeball).
Erica choked.
Akiba shot the ball out with his cough and Erica LOLed. The eyeball was still bouncing on the ground.
meeekeee communicated @ 5:30 pm | 0 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Click here to take survey
meeekeee communicated @ 3:23 pm | 0 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Eri "Hahaha! Miki!! Even Boss prays for u!!"
Risa "zzzz"
Aichan "Fujimoto-sama...I thought u"
Reina "Poor should accept her now?
No...I prefer Maki & Erica...HA HA HA HA HA
meeekeee communicated @ 9:10 pm | 3 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
"Well, talking about Miki.. she's a really evil girl you see.."
"Sometimes she makes me real sad because her heart flies to that Goddess Futoh Maki"
"That's when I record down how I torture my dog"
"...and how I mess my doll up.."
"But when Miki's good, I make okonomiyaki for her..."
"...and we went shopping..."
"...and eating..."
"Miki says I'm a little pitiful beauty. But I don't think so..."
"Cause I can be fun & crazy at times you see.."
"And Miki likes to see me ski...she thinks I'm cool"
"And so I tried to be even cooler..."
"The director said I'm too crazy about I laughed"
"And I love it when she spies on me..."
"Even when I'm doing hair... I eat the white chocolate Miki gave me"
"Ahhh...too much Miki...Kinda tired...Bye bye!"
meeekeee communicated @ 7:48 pm | 1 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
meeekeee communicated @ 10:50 pm | 1 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
meeekeee communicated @ 5:14 pm | 1 Flowers(s) | Pluck a flower.